Our History

There were no higher educational institutions in the present territory of Belarus before the revolution. Only in 1918. Vitebsk and Mogilev Pedestiums and Vitebsk Architectural Institute (existed until 1923) were established. In 1919. The drug addict adopted a resolution on the organization of 15 Soviet universities, but as a result of the intervention, it was not possible to implement the planned. In 1919. The Gor-Gorets Agricultural Institute was restored (founded on the basis of the agricultural school); in 1920, the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute; in 1924, the Vitebsk Veterinary Institute; in 1930, the Medical Institute. In the autumn of 1921. The Belarusian State University was opened. It included faculties: the worker (RABFAC), the social sciences (prepared economists and lawyers), medical, agricultural and physico-mathematical. The first year of the economic department of the Faculty of Social Sciences (the name of it often changed) was accepted 237 students.

In 1925. It was the Faculty of Law and the Economy and there are 4 economic departments: administrative-industrial, planning-statistical, financial and cooperative. For the first time in the republic, 85 economists for industry, financial and credit bodies were issued. The Belarusian State University is rightly called the grandfather of all economists. The growing need of the state for educated specialists was reflected in the resolution of the November Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) 1929. About the personnel of the national economy. It spoke about the need to improve the training of economists of different profiles.

Already in 1930. An independent faculty of national economy with five departments was established: industrial, agricultural, planning-statistical, financial and cooperative. At this time, the faculty enrolled 300 students, and in 1931. There were over 700. On the basis of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the BSU in accordance with the resolution of the BSSR resolution No. 215 of July 7, 1931. 3 independent institutes were created: Planning-Economic, Financial and Economic and Consumer Cooperation Institute (Cooperative) of different administrative subordination. These institutions were the ancestral owners of our university. They lasted only about two years. Issues were 335 people. However, experienced economic personnel was not enough, as the distribution of specialists went throughout the country (from Brest to Kamchatka and the Far East).

1933, 1933

On May 20, 1933, the Council of People’s Commissars adopted Resolution No. 721 on the organization of a new educational institution on the basis of the three above-mentioned universities, which was first named the Institute of National Economy with a location in the city. The Minnesota. This day is considered the birthday of our university and, accordingly, the Faculty of Planning and Economics (Faculty of Management – later). By the autumn of 1933. The stateplan of the BSSR approved the status of the Belarusian State Institute of National Economy (BGINH).


On January 20, 1935, at the request of the staff of the Institute, the government of the republic adopted a resolution on the assignment of the BSGINH named after V.V. Kuibyshev, which he wore until 1992. For a long history, not only the Institute itself (now the Belarusian State University of Economics) changed its image, but also our faculty. In particular, the needs of the national economy in specialists of the economic profile led to various organizational changes:

  • In 1968, two faculties were allocated in the structure of the Institute – planned-economic and planning-economic and in-content party;
  • 1969 – Planning and economic faculty was divided into two: – Faculty of Economics of Industry (specialties “Industry Planning” and Labor Economics); – Faculty of Planning of the National Economy (Planning of the National Economy, “Planning of Agriculture” and “Planning of the Ministry of Agriculture” and “Economics” and Logistics Planning.

During this period, the faculty functioned the departments of industrial economics, the organization and planning of industrial enterprises, planning of the national economy, technologies of the most important industries, the organization and planning of logistics. The Department of Economic Cybernetics and Programming was established at the University.


The faculty again became a single planning and economic faculty, and the Department of Labor Economics has been added to the already existing departments.

1975, 1975

In connection with the transfer of training of economists in the specialty “Economics of Labor” to Gomel State University (on the basis of the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the BSSR of 22.01.75) by order of the rector of the BS.GIMK. W.V. Kuibyshev abolished the Department of Labor Economics.


The composition of the departments for the faculties was fixed by order of the Institute. The planning and economic faculty included the departments of management of national economy, technologies of the most important industries, the economy of industry, organization and planning of industrial enterprises, planning of the national economy, logistics planning, medical training and civil defense. The planning and economic inflight faculty continued its functioning.

1989, 1989

The composition of the departments of the Faculty of Planning and Economics has changed again. The structure of the faculty continued the functioning of the department: organization and management, economic and social planning (formerly the Department of planning of the national economy), the economy of industry, economy and logistics planning, technologies of the most important industries.


On the basis of the resolution of the Academic Council of the Institute of 26.03.1991. The Faculty of Planning and Economics was renamed the Faculty of Economics and Production Management, the Department of Economics and Logistics Planning was renamed the Department of Trade in Production, the Department of Economic and Social Planning in the Department of Planning and Forecasting.

Based on the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of 28.05.91 The faculty of economics and production management has been established the departments of international economic relations and economic cybernetics. Subsequently, the Department of International Economic Relations became the basis of the Faculty of the same name. At the end of 1991, the structure of the Faculty of Economics and Production Management functioned departments: organizations and management, industrial economics, planning and forecasting, trade in means of production, technology of the most important industries, economic relations, economic cybernetics, economic theory and history of economic teachings, life safety.


20 January 1992 BSIGINH. W.V. Kuibyshev was transformed into the Belarusian State University of Economics (Residential Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus). In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus No. 8-K of 3.02.92 At the meeting of the Academic Council on February 25, 1992, a resolution was adopted to change the organizational structure of the university. In particular, in connection with the introduction of a single form of day and correspondence management, the planning and economic correspondence faculty was liquidated, and the Faculty of Economics and Production Management was transformed into the Faculty of Management (order of the Rector No. 68 of 13.03.92). as part of the departments of organization and management, economy of industry, economic cybernetics, planning and forecasting, organization and planning of agricultural enterprises, the economy of the agro-industrial complex, philosophy.

Order of the Rector of 13.05.92 121-A Department of Industry Economics was renamed the Department of Economics of Industrial Enterprises, Department of Economic Cybernetics – in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Economic Cybernetics.

By order No 105-A of 5.04.94 the Department of Planning and Forecasting has been liquidated.

Order of the Minister of Education No. 97 of 21.02.97 BGEU has been granted the status of a leading higher education institution in the national education system in the field of economic training.

Based on the decision of the Academic Council (protocol No. 11 of June 24, 1997) The Department of Organization and Planning of Agro-Agribusiness Enterprises was renamed the Department of Management of APC Enterprises. Based on the decision of the Council of the University (protocol No. 4 of 30.12.97) Order of the Rector of 14.01.98 No. 5-A of the Department of Management of Agro-Agribusiness Enterprises and Agro-industrial complex is united in the Department of Economics and Management of Agribusiness Enterprises, the Department of Regional Management was transferred from the Faculty of International Relations to the Faculty of Management.


The following departments functioned in the structure of the Faculty of Management: organization and management, economics of industrial enterprises, applied mathematics and economic cybernetics, economics and management of agricultural enterprises, regional management, philosophy.


The Department of Information Technologies in Management and Business was transferred to the structure of the faculty from the faculty of the faculty of the “Higher School of Management and Business.” The faculty in these years carried out training in the specialties “Economics and management at the enterprise” (specializations – Economics and management at the enterprise, “Economics and management at the enterprise,” subsequently allocated the specialization “Economic Informatics,” which later transformed into an appropriate specialty), “State and municipal administration,” “Economic cybernetics.” On September 1, 2003, the Department of Economics and Sociology of Labor (later the Department of Labor Economics) and began training economists in labor within the framework of the specialty “Economics and management” at the enterprise.


In the structure of the faculty, another department was established – the Department of Economics of Nature Management and accordingly, training in the specialization “Economics of Nature Management” in the specialty “Economics” within the specialty “Economics and management at the enterprise” is opened.


Preparations for the specialty “Management (innovative) has been initiated. 2009 – the Department of Regional Management was renamed the Department of National Economy and Public Administration.

2015 2015

The decision of the Council of the University of 23.12.2014 Departments of organization and management and labor economy are combined into one with the name of the Department of organization and management. In order to continue to diversify the training of economic profile specialists in 2015, the faculty began training in the specialty “National Economy.”

2016 2016

The Department of Applied Mathematics and Economic Cybernetics was renamed the Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics.


The Faculty of Management, taking into account the demands of the labor market, continues to expand the range of specialties and specializations. Preparations have been initiated in the specialization “Human Resources” of the specialty “Management (Social-administrative) . Over the course of time, the faculty made changes in the quantitative composition of the departments, which later became all the graduates, their names changed, the range of specialties and specializations for which the training of specialists is currently being carried out. But for all the changes, the key direction of educational activity was and remains the economic component (which was reflected in the name of the absolute majority of the departments of the faculty and a number of specialties) in conjunction with the system of management disciplines. Therefore, the reflection of this fact in the name of the faculty by changing its name from the faculty of management to the faculty of economics and management, which he received from January 1, 2018 (order of the rector No. 3.2018 of the 3A. The time was going on… And the digital transformation of public relations required a mass “instructing of information and communication technologies into both traditional activities and the formation of new forms of economic interactions on their basis.” And this led to the need for a certain reform in the field of business education, which led to the creation of a new faculty – the Faculty of Digital Economy, which was transferred from the Faculty of Economics and Management, training in the specialty “Economic Informatics” and the direction of the specialty “Economic Cybernetics (Information Technologies in Economics) . And again, our faculty, as in its entire history, became the ancestor of something new at our university. Order No. 739-A on the establishment of the Faculty of Digital Economy was signed on July 4, 2019.


The specialization department has begun within the specialty “Economics and management” at the enterprise. Currently, the faculty provides training in the most diverse range of specialties of economic and managerial profile.

In different years, the faculty was headed:

During the period of operation of the post-planning planning and economics of the Faculty, its decans were:

  • Yazvinskaya Yadivna – Doctor of Economics, Professor;
  • Lisitsyn Nikolay Andreevich – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor;
  • Belko Sergey Petrovich – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, etc.

Day, and subsequently the unified, planning and economic faculty was headed by:

  • Znadov Yevgeny Gerasimovich – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • Nikolay Martynovich – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor;
  • Rudenko Alexander Ivanovich – Doctor of Economics, Professor;
  • Alexander Yartsev, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;

The Faculty of Management was headed by:

  • Belko Sergey Petrovich – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor (1992-1998);
  • Dogill Leonid Filippovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor (1998-2003)
  • Simkhovich Valentina Alexandrovna – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor (2003-2016);

Since September 2016 The Faculty of Management (sext Department of Economics and Management) was headed by the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor E.V. It’s Petrichenko.

The story continues…