The Dean
Petrichenko Elena Vladimirovna, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), associate professor

Petrichenko E.V. during his work at the university, he went from a teacher-trainer at the Department of Industry Economics to the Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Industrial Enterprises, Deputy Dean, Dean of the Faculty of Management (1.09.2016 – 31.12.2017), the Faculty of Economics and Management (01.01.2018). Internted in the UK, Poland, Czech Republic and Greece. The dean of the faculty carries out prospective and ongoing planning of the work of the faculty, management of educational and methodological, research, educational and ideological work, coordinates the formation of the personnel policy of the departments, organizes relations with enterprises, organizations and institutions on the profile of training specialists at the faculty. Author of more than 100 scientific publications on the problems of international investment cooperation, efficiency of joint ventures, organization and improvement of the quality of the educational process at the university. Among them are the manuals, methodological developments and articles published in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. Has gratitude to the Minsk City Council of Deputies, Certificates of Honor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, etc. Excellent education.
The tel. (017) 209 - 78 - 49 e-e-mail: petrichenko_e ?
Deputy Dean of educational and methodical work
Gulina Olga Valerievna, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Gulina O.V. is a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Belarusian State University. During his work in ABUE, IWEU has come from a teacher-instage of the Department of Information Technologies in Management to the Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Informatics, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management, Faculty of Economics and Management. As Deputy Dean Gulin O.V. is responsible for the organization of the educational process on the day and part-time forms of education, coordinates the work of the departments of the faculty on the development of curricula and other methodological support for the profile of the faculty. Author of more than 40 scientific publications on the problems of mathematical and functional analysis, methods of teaching mathematics and computer science in higher education, mathematical and instrumental methods in economics.
The tel. (Fax) (017) 209 - 78 - 29
Deputy Dean for Ideological and Educational Work
Anishchenko Valentina Sergeevna, Candidate of Sciences (Economics), associate professor

Deputy Dean Anishchenko V.S. coordinates the planning and organization of ideological and educational work at the faculty and in the dormitory, the work of curators of educational groups; communicates the dean’s office and departments of the faculty with the Department of educational work with young people of the BGEU; coordinates the work of the student self-government bodies of the faculty and the holding of cultural and mass events for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of offenses; monitors the current performance and attendance of students.
The tel. (Fax) (017) 209 - 78 - 29
Dean’s specialists in the daily form of training
Zakhalchenya Yulia Alexandrovna | Otyugova Elena Leonidovna |
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Address : g. Minsk, Ave. Partisan, 22 - a, 4 - йthe educational building, aud. 302 Phone: :(017) 209 - 88 - 47 E - mail: fm ?
Dean’s specialists in the absent-time form of training
Kozich Tatiana Grigorievna | Vajda Elena Alexandrovna |
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Address : g. Minsk, Ave. Partisan, 22 - a, 4 - йthe educational building, aud. 302 Phone: :(017) 229 - 12 - 58 E - mail: fm ?
Chairman of the FEM Employees’ Fee
Moroz Victoria, assistant of the Department of organization and management

The professional bureau of the staff of the Faculty of Economics and Management is a team of purposeful, creative people who are always ready to come to the rescue. The purpose of the trade union is to protect the socio-economic rights and interests of members of the trade union organization of the faculty. The main task is to solve social problems, monitor the observance of the rights of trade union members, the organization of rehabilitation and recreation of employees, holding cultural and sports events. The trade union organization of the Faculty of Economics and Management coordinates and directs the activities of the trade unions of the departments. For a more successful and quick solution of controversial issues, close cooperation with the university’s trade union committee has been established.
The Professional Bureau of the Faculty of Economics and Management conducts active work on:
- analysis of the socio-economic situation of employees;
- labor protection;
- monitoring of compliance with labor legislation;
- monitoring of housing and living conditions of the faculty staff;
- organization of cultural, mass and sports and health-improving activities.
The percentage of coverage of professional membership in the Faculty of Economics and Management is 99%. The trade union organization of the Faculty of Economics and Management participates in all events held by the university trade union committee (Spartakiad of employees, annual health days, celebration of Maslenitsa, etc.), as well as initiates a number of faculties. You remember! We are always ready to help you!
You are our concern! We are your hope!
Phone: :(017) 209 - 88 - 65